Curated by Tim Woodward. Featuring Steven Bellosguardo, Jessie Bullivant, Mitchel Cumming, Hilary Jackman, Erika Scott, Rachel Schenberg, Lilly Skipper and Charlie Sofo.
A house rule applies to a specific place, adopted by a knowing individual or group. The term typically suggests an unofficial addition or deviation from some broader convention, a further refinement of what one is allowed or not allowed to do.
Engaging with the domestic expanse of Bundoora Homestead’s second floor galleries (once bedrooms and living quarters) the exhibition Five rooms and house rules introduces a myriad of sculptural, temporal and site responsive artworks. These works operate in the realm of negotiation, both with the physical affordances of the heritage-listed Homestead, as well as the regulatory and infrastructural constraints of its delicate repurposing as a public art gallery.
Five rooms and house rules is an exhibition curated by Tim Woodward and presented by the artist-run gallery Working at Heights in collaboration with Bundoora Homestead Art Centre. It features the work of eight artists who have had solo exhibitions at Working at Heights between 2021 and 2024.