climate change resources

event recording

Integrating Climate Change Impacts into Disaster Preparedness and Response
Event date: Friday 26 November 2021
In response to the devastating Black Summer bushfires that affected Australia from November 2019 - March 2020, the PGAV and the University of Melbourne's Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, presented a special session on integrating the impacts of climate change into gallery Disaster Preparedness Plans. Crystal Stubbs, Director at East Gippsland Art Gallery and Simone Nolan Manager Arts, Culture and Events at the Rural City of Wangaratta provided their first hand experience of the Black Summer bushfires.

This session and the accompanying Fact Fact sheet are supported by the Creative Recovery Fund, delivered by Regional Arts Victoria and jointly funded by the Victorian Government and Commonwealth Government under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

watch via vimeo

fact sheet

COVER - PGAV Fact Sheet Integrating climate change into disaster preparedness planning

This Fact Sheet will assist galleries to plan for and respond to the impacts of climate change. It provides a 5 step approach to prepare for the increased likelihood of disasters that have not previously posed a serious threat, and a useful table to assist galleries to mitigate the impacts of climate change on their operations and collections. 

The Fact Sheet has been developed by the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, The University of Melbourne:
Professor Robyn Sloggett Cripps Foundation Chair in Cultural Materials Conservation & Director
Dr Marcelle Scott Research Fellow 
Hannah Stewart Research Assistant

download fact sheet - PDF

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES - CLIMATE CHANGE, collection care & disaster planning

PGAV and NGV Conservation Webinar: Advancements in Collections Care: Environmental guidelines 
Considers issues of risk management, managing loans, climate change and sustainability, as well practicalities of understanding the capacity of gallery buildings, HVAC systems and setting environmental parameters:

AICCM Find a Conservator  
A quick guide to finding a conservator when you need one:

All is Not Lost: The Collection Recovery Book (Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences)
Developed by MAAS as a hard copy that can be available when power outages make web-based information inaccessible this publication provides quick, basic instructions on salvaging materials damaged by water, fire or impact:

A Practical Guide for Sustainable Climate Control and Lighting in Galleries and Museums 
Developed by Museums and Galleries Queensland to assist museums and galleries in making informed decisions to improve their facilities to provide a more sustainable building environment:

Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience
The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) develops, maintains and shares knowledge and learning to support a disaster resilient Australia:

Australian Red Cross Preparing for Emergencies
Provides a clear and simple outline of how to prepare for emergencies with a focus on communities:

Be Prepared: Guidelines for Small Museums for Writing a Disaster Preparedness Plan 
Aimed at smaller organisations, Be Prepared was developed by the Heritage Collections Council to help organisations assess and plan for disasters. It discusses training needs, assessment considerations, and provides safety and damage checklists and templates based on established disaster management plans:

Climate Change: Victoria’s path to a net-zero and climate resilient future 
Victoria’s Climate Change Strategy sets out the State Government’s plan for emission reduction and building resilience to the impacts of climate change, and provides an overview of current Victorian Government approaches and resourcing:

CSIRO Climate Change in Australia 
Similar to the Victorian Government site, this provides climate prediction tools and data. Helps in mapping climate change scenarios, to provide a clear visual impression of anticipated changes to your local area:

Heritage and Climate Change 
A project developed by the Heritage Council of Victoria and Heritage Victoria to understand the impacts of climate change on Victoria’s heritage places and objects:

How well do you know fire?
This is a campaign to help educate Victorians about how to plan and prepare for the fire season. Useful for galleries in bushfire prone locations:

Protecting Artwork: Estate & Museum Fire Protection Systems
National Fire Protections Association (NFPA) guidance on protecting artwork and high-value collections:

Salvaging Damaged Collections State Library of Queensland
Provides advice on disaster recovery focussing on water damage, insect infestations, mould and disaster planning for large collections:

Vic Emergency: Community Based Emergency Management approach
Describes a community-based approach to emergency management with practical advice on how to better plan, respond and recover from emergencies, with the support of the emergency management sector in Victoria: 

Victorian Government, Regional Climate Projections 
A useful guide to help you understand how climate change might affect your locality:

Museums’ Environmental Framework 
Developed by UK based not-for-profit organisation, Julie’s Bicycle, this new resource builds on the environmental practice and leadership of a vital part of the UK’s cultural sector:

resources - climate change, grief & mental health

Albrecht, G 2012, The age of solastalgia, The Conversation, 7 August 2012:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2014, Climate Effects on Health, viewed 13 Oct 2021:

Clayton, S, Manning C. M, Krygsman, K & Speiser, M 2017, Mental Health and our Changing Planet: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance, American Psychological Association and ecoAmerica, Washington, D.C:

Comtesse, H, Ertl, V, Hengst, SMC, Rosner, R & Smid, GE 2021, Ecological Grief as a Response to Environmental Change: A Mental Health Risk or Functional Response?, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, pp. 734-44: 

Cunsolo, A & Ellis, NR 2018, Ecological grief as a mental health response to climate change-related loss, Nature Climate Change, vol. 8, n. 4, pp. 275-281: 

Garde-Hansen, J, McEwen, L, Holmes, A & Jones, O 2016 Sustainable flood memory: Remembering as resilience, Memory Studies 10(4):384-405: 

Cockburn, P & ABC Health & Wellbeing, 2020, Climate grief expected to be widespread soon but it's still not openly acknowledged, 19 August 2020: 

sustainability & the public gallery sector in australia

sustainability victoria

Climate change research including Victorians' perceptions of climate change and health impacts of climate change.

visit website
australian museum

A range of resource on climate change and what the Australian Museum is doing to document and respond to climate change.

visit website
art gallery of new south wales

Learn more about AGNSW's policy on Sustainability.

visit website
national gallery of victoria

Learn more about NGV's commitment to sustainability.

visit website
national gallery of australia

Read NGA's Environmental Policy Statement.

visit website

The Public Galleries Association of Victoria (PGAV) acknowledges the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of the lands where our office is located, and all Traditional Owners of country throughout Victoria and Australia. We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples enduring traditions and continuing creative cultures. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging.

We are an LGBTQIA+ friendly organisation that celebrates diversity. We are committed to providing safe, culturally appropriate, and inclusive services for all people, regardless of their ethnicity, faith, disability, sexuality, or gender identity.

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